Category: Kansas Criminal Procedure Survey

Updated Transitional Release Requirements

In re Care & Treatment of Quillen, No. 120, 184 (Kan. Ct. App. Oct. 18, 2019). Issue: Is the State required to prove “serious difficulty in controlling behavior,” when arguing a person does not meet the qualifications for …

Party Benefitting from Erroneous Judicial Comment Bears Burden

State v. Boothby, No. 116,505 (Kan. Sept. 6, 2019). Issue: A district judge made an erroneous comment regarding Boothby’s case in front of the jury.  Is an erroneous judicial comment made in front of a jury that is not part …

Protection from Stalking Orders Cannot Restrict Speech

State v. Smith, No. 119,919 (Kan. Ct. App. Sept. 27, 2019). Issue: Smith was convicted for violating her protection from stalking (“PFS”) order that prohibited her from making disparaging statements in public about Perez. Does this provision in …

Lifetime Registration of Juvenile Sex Offenders Found Constitutional

State v. N.R., No. 119,796 (Kan. App. Sept. 27, 2019). Issue: The Kansas Offender Registration Act (KORA) requires lifetime registration as a sex offender for juveniles convicted of severity level 1 felonies.  N.R. was convicted of rape when he was …

An Untimely Appeal Under 28 U.S.C. § 2255

United States v. Salazar, No. 19-1119 (10th Cir. Aug. 16, 2019). Issue: Defendants may appeal a sentence under 28 U.S.C. § 2255 but, with limited exceptions, must do so within one year.  The defendant was sentenced on March 20, 2017 …

Time in Jail Awaiting Sanction Should be Credited Toward That Sanction

State v. Chardon, No. 119464 (Kan. Ct. App. Aug. 23, 2019). Issue: Defendant Christian Chardon was arrested for violating probation.  Unable to make bond, he was in jail for 65 days awaiting his disposition hearing.  At the hearing, the court …

Acceptance of Responsibility Sufficient for Dispositional Departure

State v. Morley, No. 120, 017 (Kan. Ct. App. Aug. 16, 2019). Issue: A district court may consider a defendant’s acceptance of responsibility as a mitigating factor to warrant dispositional departure if the court articulates that reason. Does …

Evidence Found After Discovery of Outstanding Warrant During Welfare Stop is Inadmissible

State v. Manwarren, No. 119,520 (Kan. Ct. App. Apr. 12, 2019). Issue: Unconstitutionally-obtained evidence should be suppressed unless the connection between the evidence and the constitutional violation is too attenuated. Law enforcement officers encountered Richard Manwarren during a …

No Appeal for the Imposition of Adult Sentences on Juveniles Who Violate Terms of Conditional Release

In the Matter of J.S.P., No. 118,790 (Kan. Ct. App. Mar. 15, 2019). Issue: Does a court have jurisdiction over a juvenile offender’s appeal from the revocation of a juvenile sentence and the imposition of an extended juvenile …

Eligibility for Postconviction DNA Testing Not Determined by Sentence Imposed

State v. LaPointe, No. 113,580 (Kan. Feb. 15, 2019) Issue: Some offenders qualify for postconviction DNA testing if they are similarly situated to those convicted of first-degree murder and rape. LaPointe was convicted of aggravated robbery but—because of …

The Kansas Criminal Procedure Survey provides valuable insight into Kansas criminal procedure to Kansas practitioners. The University of Kansas Law Review publishes updates to the survey on the Kansas Criminal Procedure Blog, the online home for the survey. The Criminal Procedure Survey is a long-standing tradition of the KU School of Law and the Law Review.

We are proud to adapt the Criminal Procedure Survey into a new format that will provide timely updates to Kansas practitioners about new criminal law changes in Kansas and the 10th Circuit.