Category: Forum

Breaking the Age Limit: Compensating Juveniles for Wrongful Incarceration in Kansas

Author: Drew Elizabeth Davis, Comment Editor Intro In 2018, the Kansas Legislature enacted Section 60-5004 of the Kansas Statutes, which establishes “civil action[s] for persons who were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned.”[1] The statute provides that if an individual …

Lost in Translation? Interpreters’ Out-of-Court Statements Should Be Admissible Under Kan. Stat. Ann. § 60-460(d)(1)

By: Hayley Koontz, Comment Editor I. Introduction Maria is in a hospital because she lost consciousness after her ex-boyfriend broke into her home and hit her repeatedly.  Maria provides an account of her experience to a social worker.  …

Lucky Number 13: Why Courts have Discretion to Allow Debtors to Cure Chapter 13 Arrearages after Five Years

By: Richard Weber, Comment Editor I. Intro “I, declare…bankruptcy!”[1]  In the television show The Office, paper supplies manager Michael Scott believes all that is necessary to declare bankruptcy is to verbally “declare” bankruptcy.[2]  Fortunately, one of his co-workers …

“Breathing New Life” into Section 15 of the Kansas Bill of Rights

Chris Birzer, Executive Comment Editor
This post argues that Section 15 of the Kansas Bill of Rights could be construed broader than the Fourth Amendment.

Dual-Purposes and Dueling Perspectives

Comments Editor Caitlin Albaugh argues courts should analyze dual-purpose communications under Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.6 using the D.C. Circuit’s “significant purpose test.”

A Bad Idea: Mootness and IEPs

Articles Editor Erin Levy discusses the mootness doctrine and individualized education plans, arguing the “strict approach” adopted by most courts undermines the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’s purpose.

199A Deductions for Laboratory Facilities: Defining the Field of Health Using Section 448’s Function Test

Articles Editor Lauren Page argues Section 448 can be used to define “field of health” under Section 199A and as such, ancillary services are not Specified Service Trade or Businesses under 199A.

The Ivy League’s Ban on Athletic Scholarships: An Honest Run at “Education Through Athletics”[1] or An Illegal Price-Fixing Agreement?

Comments Editor Jessica Kinnamon argues the Brown University basketball players’ class action lawsuit against the Ivy League has merit, in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in NCAA v. Alston.

Puff, Puff, Passing Marijuana Reform

Comments Editor Alex Speakar discusses how President Biden’s Marijuana Reform Plan contributes to the uncertain legal marijuana landscape in Kansas.

Settling the USWNT v. USSF “Equal Pay for Equal Play” Dispute: How Class Action Certification Engenders Settlement and Why Weak or Goal-oriented Certification Analysis Deserves a Red Card

Comments Editor Jessica Kinnamon discusses class certification as it relates to the United States Women’s National Team’s recent class actional against the United States Soccer Federation for discriminatory pay and working conditions.