Tag: interpretation

Kansas Law Review blog

Kansas District Courts’ Authority to Interpret Ambiguous Jury Verdicts

Author: Ellen Bertels, Comments Editor State v. Brown, No. 115,817 (Kan. June 5, 2020). Issue:  Can a district court invoke the surplusage rule and discard part(s) of a jury verdict form when the form incorrectly lists the crimes …

Violations of Broader Municipal DUI Ordinances Don’t Count Under § 8-1567(i)

State v. Gensler, No. 112,523 (Kan. Aug. 10, 2018). 423 P.3d 488 Issue: K.S.A. § 8-1567(i) provides harsher penalties for people with multiple DUI convictions. However, municipal DUI convictions do not count towards the harsher penalties if the municipal …